Atlantic Herring

Atlantic Herring

Clupea harengus
Type of cutting: whole round, fillets, flaps, matjes
Country of Origin: Norway, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Greenland
Atlantic Mackerel

Atlantic Mackerel

Scomber scombrus
Type of cutting: whole round, HG, fillets
Country of Origin: Norway, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Canada, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Spain


Mallotus villosus
Type of cutting: whole round
Country of Origin: Norway, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Canada
Northern Blue Whiting

Northern Blue Whiting

Micromesistius poutassou
Type of cutting: whole round, HGT
Country of Origin: Norway, Iceland, Faroe Islands, The Netherlands, United Kingdom
Silver Smelt

Silver Smelt

Argentina silus
Type of cutting: whole round, HG
Country of Origin: Norway, Iceland


Merluccius productus
Merluccius hubbsi
Type of cutting: whole round, HGT, fillets
Country of Origin: USA, Canada, Mexico, China, Argentina, Spain, Uruguay
Alaska pollock

Alaska pollock

Theragra Chalcogramma
Type of cutting: HG, HGT, fillets
Country of Origin: USA, Canada, China


Sprattus sprattus balticus
Type of cutting: whole round
Country of Origin: Estonia, Finland, Latvia
Baltic Herring

Baltic Herring

Clupea harengus membras
Type of cutting: whole round, HGT
Country of Origin: Estonia, Finland, Latvia


Osmerus Eperlanus
Type of cutting: whole round
Country of Origin: Estonia, Finland, Latvia


Pangasius hypophthalmus
Type of cutting: HGT, fillets, steaks, portions
Country of Origin: Vietnam
Atlantic Salmon

Atlantic Salmon

Salmo salar
Type of cutting: HON, HG, bellies, heads, offcuts, trimming, backbones, cuts, brown meat, bits&pieces, fillets
Country of Origin: Norway, Chile, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Denmark, United Kingdom, France


Oncorhynchus mykiss
Type of cutting: HON, HG, heads, offcuts, trimming, backbones, bits&pieces, fillets
Country of Origin: Norway, Chile, Estonia, Lithuania, Norway
Pink Salmon

Pink Salmon

Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
Type of cutting: HG, caviar, green roe
Country of Origin: USA
Chum salmon

Chum salmon

Oncorhynchus Keta
Type of cutting: HG, fillets, caviar, green roe
Country of Origin: USA
Coho salmon

Coho salmon

Oncorhynchus kisutch
Type of cutting: HG, fillets, caviar, green roe
Country of Origin: USA, Chile
King salmon (Chinook)

King salmon (Chinook)

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Type of cutting: HG, fillets, caviar, green roe
Country of Origin: USA, Canada
Sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon

Oncorhynchus Nerka
Type of cutting: HG, fillets, caviar, green roe
Country of Origin: USA
Sole and Flounder

Sole and Flounder

Type of cutting: whole round, HGT, fillets
Country of Origin: Canada, USA
Northern Anchovy

Northern Anchovy

Engraulis Mordax
Type of cutting: whole round
Country of Origin: USA
Red Fish

Red Fish

Sebastes marinus
Sebastes mentella
Type of cutting: whole round, HG
Country of Origin: Norway, Iceland, Spain
Blue Catfish

Blue Catfish

Anarhichas denticulatus
Type of cutting: HG
Country of Origin: Norway


Pollachius virens
Type of cutting: HG
Country of Origin: Norway


Patagonotothen Ramsayi
Type of cutting: HGT
Country of Origin: Argentina, Spain


Macruronus magellanicus
Type of cutting: HGT, fillets
Country of Origin: Argentina, Spain, Uruguay, Chile


Mytilus chilensis
Mytilus edulis
Type of cutting: meat
Country of Origin: Chile, China, Spain


Selene peruviana
Type of cutting: whole round
Country of Origin: Ecuador


Oreochromis Niloticus
Type of cutting: whole round, HG, fillets
Country of Origin: China


Lepidocybium Flavobrunneum
Type of cutting: HGT, fillets, steaks
Country of Origin: Vietnam, Indonesia, Taiwan, Ecuador, Spain
Southern Blue Whiting

Southern Blue Whiting

Micromesistius Australis
Type of cutting: HG, HGT
Country of Origin: Chile, Argentina, Spain, New Zealand
Jack mackerel (Green tail)

Jack mackerel (Green tail)

Trachurus Declivis
Type of cutting: HG, HGT
Country of Origin: New Zealand
Blue Mackerel

Blue Mackerel

Scomber australasicus
Type of cutting: HG, HGT
Country of Origin: New Zealand
Red Cod

Red Cod

Pseudophycis bachus
Type of cutting: HG
Country of Origin: New Zealand